Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dreams, Goals and Accomplishment

So I just watched this Korean movie called fly daddy fly, I must say I liked it mucho!! Saying that, I also have to admit that it was somewhat lacking(maybe that was just cuz I watched it on YouTube, I think that means I should buy it WuahAhaha!) But I don't really think it was lacking, I am just saying that because henry and lete are Stupid.. OK so it was lacking, The characters were a bit on the shallow side, and needed more depth to them.; the actuality of what happened is vague and is never said outright, so you have to guess what happened and why shes so traumatized. Me being slow and not quick to assume the worst just cuz what my eyes tell me, might not have put the pieces together if the certain uploader hadn't put in their little synopsis.

Anyway I like the movie, but would have loved it if the Guy(and other characters) had more story, its so Mysterious! anywho

The point, while I was watching this movie I decided something. I've figured out what to do with all my boring time (seeing as I am still waiting for a work permit HEEHEE didn't think this through much did I??? haha live and learn, or get stupid) So I am going to be doing Research! and planning, and All sorts of jazz, and I'm going to try and blog about it, treat the blog like a bit of a journal, because goals not written down are just wishes, and wishes Just aren't good enough for Life!

I have a fear of plans and goals and telling people about my plans. I HATe telling people what my plans are and stuff, I think its some sort of Spastic-psycho-retardation that i have acquired in my many travels (its crazier than just the plans and goals, But I digress). I hate telling people because from my experience Plans AlwaYS Fail(or take longer than planned, which is fail in a way); and the plans that we make are insane like "I'm moving to a country that's language is not English" or "I'm moving to another continent" and the like. So I tell people to give them a heads up so they don't cry too much, but with human beings you have to give them a time frame for some reason, they wont accept a simple "I'm moving", they want DETAILS! and so I give them some, and lo and behold they are flawed. After said details have long passed said people see me and go I thought you were moving..? and so I say oh not yet, and then I become self conscious and think they are judging me thinking to themselves "what a lie kid, just trying to sound awesome, what a lie face" I don't know why I think that, maybe its because I take their tone of voice and sceptical eyes to heart?

Anywho because of this I have no self confidence in Anything I do, and so don't tell anyone because I don't like sceptical eyes, and so It just gets worse because like i said a goal not written down is just a wish and wishes don't get accomplished.

SO (I digressed again haha, only slightly though (is that even possible for me?? haha)) As I watched this movie I got inspired and decided that I would Use my time better, and make plans, and fulfill plans, Irregardless of the sceptical eyes. Easier said than done, ESPEcially for me haha But I will Do My BeSt! FiGhting! hahaha that was a little homage to Asian speak hehehehe

..and so the post became too long and it was evident what was to follow


(until next time)


MiriamR said...

You should totally write your goals down. I find if I tell people or show some people (only super close people who wont judge) my 5 year goal sheet I feel more pressure to get it done. That works for me because I like pressure ( I don't but it helps me to work better and faster) so anyways back to the point, just keep a goal book. Get a little cheap book (Back to school sale items are super cheap right now) and just right goals you would like to try to accomplish in there whenever they come to your mind. Every once in a while to your leisure go read and see if you can put a tick next to any. Worth a try right?

Unknown said...

I love writing stuff down, so I can look at it again later. I hardly ever show anyone other than Dustin, however, just because I too am self conscious sometimes. Dustin and I have a whole folder of goals we want to accomplish for our home, our family, our life. We look at it often and cross out the stuff we have accomplished, and talk about stuff, and remember how difficult some things were and such. I love it. Well done in your goal to write and share all this. Good luck. Hope it goes well. :D

Hera said...

I am the unluckiest person when it comes to plans. When I tell people about my plans its like the plans are cursed and they fall through. So now I keep plans to myself haha. I do not have much superstition in my life, but this is the pattern that follows my plans.
Nothing usually works out the way I want when I tell people about it. Write down your goals and you don't have to tell anyone about them if you don't want to.

Unknown said...

There's the saying that goes: 'The best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry.' It's one of my most favorites ever, because it's just too true. :)