SOOOOO the great day has Come, I have left home! (for a time at least) I am now located in the Great City of Fort McMurrey! it might be murray, I am not sure, I have to clarify some time hehehe
Anywho thie Place is Real Nature-y, it Gorgeous, with a river and trees and icelandic weather, its really nice. Aparently there are Bears(black bears), and cyotes(I dont know how to spell that haha) but they say if you see a bear to just walk the other way and it will not maul you, I sure hope they are right.
Well On the long drive up here after a certain point all we saw was Trees trees and more trees, IT was pretty amazing; Before this point was farms farms and more farms, quite entertaining.
Everyone I mentioned this venture to said that all they could remember from anything about this place is that once you pass the last gas station its trees trees and more Trees, I never take anything anyone says very seriously because we all tend to exagerate, but when we passed the last gass station, There was nothing but Tree's trees and more Trees! it was quite amusing
So when we were about Two Hours away from the city The trees changed. They became forests of toothpicks, it was beautiful, and yet sad in a way. It was beautiful because it was just amazing, all of a sudden all the trees are black and its a forest of toothpicks, not really any branches, and not green, it was really cool; but it was sad because it was caused by a forest fire type deal, so they were all like dead (but to my morbid mind that is totally awesome ahaha) It went on for a long stretch, and then stopped for a little, but started up again With blacker trees. These trees burned this year I think, whereas the other ones burned two or three years ago, Crazy huh? still black. Silly my I dont have any pictures, but I didnt want a blur, I only wanted a picture if it were focused and to my liking, Next time hmmmm
Anywho thie Place is Real Nature-y, it Gorgeous, with a river and trees and icelandic weather, its really nice. Aparently there are Bears(black bears), and cyotes(I dont know how to spell that haha) but they say if you see a bear to just walk the other way and it will not maul you, I sure hope they are right.
wEll! we got here saturday evening and basically had dinner and went to bed watching saturday morning session. On Sunday we watched saturday evening session but missed sunday morning session and then watched sunday afternoon session. Throughout sunday I unpacked my things (or was it saturday? haha I cant remember) and mamma helped me put them away, there are these nifty tings that can be made into shelving unit types, and all my stuff and my room looks like I'be been there For Years! its so great and organized, I feel quite proud of myself for being so organized, but if mamma weren't here It would probably be a mess and Every night I would cry myself to sleep because my room was messy and I couldnt clean it huahaha How fortunate we are, or rather I am.
And then today I went to the Liberry and got a card! woohoo! it was easy, all I had to do was show photo ID and then they would send me the card in the mail as proof of address since I didnt have any, Smart huh? I reacon more people should do it hahaha! Stupid poo heads in calgary! anywho I will upload some pictures and then go to bed, its late and I am tired and I need to make a better impression with my sleeping habits hahaha
Goda Nott, Sovdu Rott, i alla nott!
This is mee closet! cool huh? its just got my hang up shirts, cardies, heavy sweaters/hoodies and coats as well as shoes (as you can see) and my socks in the white wire box thing

This is the little thing next to my bed, its messy because thats how I have my things, I make sure that Should I need something, it will be there, the over preparer if ya get me hahaha
This is my little library and my closet, all the books and DVDs that I brought with me, aparently I need them, I guess I'll see when mamma Leaves hmm? hahaha

and thats the end of my bed, and this story. This is Really Great! so goodnight for now, I'll try be intersting with the fort mcmurrey newsies
P.S. This is Mamma helping me make the shelves SHHHH its a secret, Ok?? and i still havent been able to assess the book storeAge/capacity that they have here, I sure hope they have a book store, otherwise, I will be out of my mind, fo reals
I am soooo excited for you. All grown up and stuff. Your room is loverly. I like it all. I am excited for your new adventure. How dramatic of me. I heart your playlist. I love the vampire knight song! yippee.
Wow I got really excited looking at the pics and reading your blog, as if Im there. hahaha. Glad to hear you are excited about this new part of your life, how exhilerating and great. Love you.
Hi Melanie. Excuse me that photo. I did not know you did that. At least you could warn me and i put my better profile and fake smile on.
I didn't even see this one in my reader! COOL I love closets your looks lovely!! It will be so fun and sometimes boring and then fun again and well thats how life works I guess. BEARS yuck! but yeah black bears are supposed to be the least hostile so that is good.
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